

In partnership with The Dance Centre, Aethernet was back for International Dance Day 2023!

April 29th, 2023 – ĆĄxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square, Vancouver BC

Live, dance, connect!

Thank you to all who joined us in this celebration of our resilience and the connection we have to one another through this hybrid project!

Aethernet was built in two distinct phases:

  • 1st phase was all digital and was reflecting on the past couple of years of contamination, seclusion, discrimination and alienation by bringing us together despite our physical isolation, using dance, not only as a performing art but as a vector of digital expression.
  • 2nd phase was a celebration of finally feeling some sort of a “back to normal” atmosphere and enjoy “screen-free” connecting to one another


Aethernet – Phase 2: April – October 2022

As we emerge stronger out of the Covid-19 pandemic, what a better way to get rid of the anxiety it came with than to just “dance it out”!

We performed our Aethernet Flash Mobs on June 3rd on Granville Island in Vancouver, September 3rd at the Shipyards in North Vancouver & October 1st in Deer Lake Park in Burnaby

October 1st, 2022 – Deer Lake Park, Burnaby BC

September 3rd, 2022 – Shipyard, North Vancouver BC

June 3rd, 2022 – Granville Island, Vancouver BC


Phase 1: An all digital community-engaged dance epidemic!


Thank you to all of you who joined us to celebrate Mother Earth’s resilience and the connection we have to one another! 

At a time when we are craving social interaction, Aethernet alleviates isolation and creates a feeling of togetherness. It engages us in movements – after over a year ‘stuck’ at home, we feel motionless, our bodies are screaming for action and connection. Aethernet brings a sense of belonging to a community, whose beauty and strength is in its diversity, creativity and tenacity.

Entirely digital, very simple: learn a 1-min choreography through video, record yourself and share with your friends! Spread a dance epidemic and see how it mutates!

You can also choose a few moves or 5-10 seconds of the choreography if you don’t want/can’t dance the whole minute. The most important is that you have FUN!

And what then?

From the videos you share with us, Kinesis Dance somatheatro will create a video-montage, that will be made available for free online, on our website and on public screens in the public space.

Spring/Summer 2022, we invite you to celebrate with us what we hope to call “the end of the pandemic”: we will organize Aethernet flash-mobs in the greater Vancouver area. More details to come!


We would like to respectfully acknowledge the territory in which Kinesis Dance somatheatro is fortunate to create, as the ancestral, traditional and unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples, including the territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh Nations. By its nature, our project might spread beyond the so-called Greater Vancouver area (maybe even beyond Canadian borders). We would like to acknowledge the Indigenous Peoples of all the lands that the participants to this project gather on.

We would also like to thank Versatile Records and Acid Arab artists for allowing us to use their music.


En partenariat avec The Dance Centre, Aethernet était de retour pour la Journée Internationale de la Danse 2023!

29 avril, 2023 – ĆĄxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square, Vancouver C-B

Vivez, dansez, connectez!

Merci à tous ceux et celles qui se sont joints à nous pour célébrer notre résilience et notre interconnection en prenant part à ce projet hybride !

Aethernet a été construit en deux phases distinctes:

  • La 1Ăšre phase Ă©tait entiĂšrement numĂ©rique et revenait  sur les deux derniĂšres annĂ©es: contamination, isolement, discrimination et aliĂ©nation, utilisant la danse pour nous sentir unis malgrĂ© notre isolement physique.
  • La 2nde phase Ă©tait une cĂ©lĂ©bration d’un “presque retour Ă  la normale” avec une possibilitĂ© de se connecter aux autres sans avoir un Ă©cran entre nous.


Aethernet – Phase 2: Avril – Octobre 2022

Alors que nous sortons plus forts de la pandĂ©mie de Covid-19, quelle meilleure façon de se dĂ©barrasser de l’anxiĂ©tĂ© qui nous a accompagnĂ©s pendant prĂšs de 3 ans que de simplement danser?!

Nous avons performé nos Flash Mobs Aethernet le 3 juin à Granville Island à Vancouver, le 3 septembre au Shipyards à North Vancouver & le 1er octobre à Deer Lake Park à Burnaby.

1er octobre, 2022 – Deer Lake Park, Burnaby, C-B

3 septembre 2022 – Shipyard, North Vancouver, CB

3 juin 2022 – Granville Island, Vancouver, CB

Phase 1 : Une épidémie dansante collaborative entiÚrement numérique !

Merci à toutes celles et ceux qui se sont joints à nous pour célébrer la résilience de notre Terre MÚre et notre connection les uns aux autres ! 

Nous avons soif d’interaction sociale, nous avons besoin de sentir notre corps se mouvoir Ă  nouveau. Aethernet attĂ©nue l’isolement et crĂ©e un sentiment de vivre-ensemble. Aethernet apporte un sentiment d’appartenance Ă  une communautĂ©, dont la beautĂ© et la force rĂ©sident dans sa diversitĂ©, sa crĂ©ativitĂ© et sa tĂ©nacitĂ©.

EntiĂšrement numĂ©rique, trĂšs simple : apprenez une chorĂ©graphie d’1 min en vidĂ©o, filmez-vous et partagez avec vos amis ! RĂ©pandez une Ă©pidĂ©mie de danse et voyez comment elle mute !

Vous pouvez aussi choisir quelques mouvements ou juste 5-10 secondes de la chorégraphie, si vous ne souhaitez/pouvez pas danser la minute complÚte. Le plus important est de vous AMUSER!

Et ensuite?

A partir des vidéos que nous aurons reçues, Kinesis Dance somatheatro produira un montage vidéo qui sera rendu disponible gratuitement en ligne, sur notre site internet, ainsi que dans certains espaces publics canadiens.

Printemps/EtĂ© 2022, nous vous invitons, Ă  cĂ©lĂ©brer avec nous ce que nous espĂ©rons pouvoir appeler “la fin de la pandĂ©mie” : nous organiserons une flash-mob d’Aethernet dans la rĂ©gion du grand Vancouver. Plus de dĂ©tails Ă  venir !


Nous tenons Ă  reconnaĂźtre que Kinesis Danse somatheatro crĂ©e et opĂšre sur les territoires ancestraux, traditionnels et non cĂ©dĂ©s des peuples Salish du littoral, y compris les territoires des nations Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh. Par sa nature, notre projet pourrait se propager au-delĂ  de ce que nous appelons le grand Vancouver (et peut-ĂȘtre mĂȘme au-delĂ  des frontiĂšres canadiennes). Nous aimerions prendre un moment pour reconnaĂźtre les Premiers Peuples de tous les territoires sur lesquels les participants Ă  ce projet vivent.

Merci Ă©galement Ă  Versatile Records et les artistes d’Acid Arab de nous permettre d’utiliser leur musique.

Collaborators: Aethernet – International Dance Day

Concept & Artistic Direction / Concept & Direction Artistique :
Paras Terezakis

Performers / Performeur·euse·s:
Aiden Cass, Martin Chabannes, Carline Dolmazon, Shreda Gandhi, Mahima Gupta, Tracy HĂ©bert, Sarah Hutton, Tami Kumar, Charlotte Leonard, Keith Lim, Nicole Pavia, Kaia Shukin, Juan Villegas, Debbie Yule

Music performed by / Musique jouée par: The Carnival Band
Carnival Band Director / Directeur du Carnival Band: Tim Sars
Carnival Band Musicians / Musicien·ne·s du Carnival Band: John Barbour, Nathan Barrett, Ross Barrett, Max Bogard, Carol Butcher, Gary Carson, Bertrand ale Corre, Joy Cundy, Michael Harding, Colin Hay, Patti Hirschberg, Christina Kaiser, Walter Kaiser, Brenda Koch, Marshal, Cat Mclellan, Marshall McMahon, Fed Pincock, Tim Sars, Brian Siver, Laurence Tetreault, Yonathan Uriel

Camera & Video Editing / Caméra & montage vidéo:
Yasuhiro Okada

Poster Design:
Alexandre Zaia – Shred Design





Collaborators: Aethernet – Burnaby

Concept & Artistic Direction / Concept & Direction Artistique :
Paras Terezakis

Performers / Performeur·euse·s:
Laura Berardinucci, Deborah Buxton, Aiden Cass, Martin Chabannes, Carline Dolmazon, Tracy Hebert, Sarah Hutton, Lourdes Kao, Samantha Krystal, Juolin Lee, Keith Lim, Nicole Pavia, Kaya Shukin, Snowfy, Yu-Min Tseng, Flora Wang, Debbie Yule and many other community dancers from Burnaby / ainsi que nombre d’autres danseurs communautaires de Burnaby

Music performed by / Musique jouée par: The Carnival Band
Carnival Band Director / Directeur du Carnival Band: Tim Sars
Carnival Band Musicians / Musicien·ne·s du Carnival Band: Nathan Barrett, Ross Barrett, Carol Butcher, Patti Cameron, Colin Hay, Esther Klassen, Joel Klassen, Brenda Koch, Annesa Lang, Fred Pincock, Tim Sars, Brian Siver, Helen Spaxman

Scenographer / Scénographe:
Andreas Kahre

Rehearsal Directors / Directrices des répétitions:
Claire French & Carline Dolmazon

Camera & Video Editing / Caméra & montage vidéo:
Yasuhiro Okada

2nd Camera / 2nde Caméra:
Teppei Tanabe

Poster Design:
Alexandre Zaia – Shred Design





Collaborators: Aethernet – North Vancouver

Concept & Artistic Direction / Concept & Direction Artistique :
Paras Terezakis

Performers / Performeur·euse·s:
Michele Andersen, Laura Berardinucci, Deborah Buxton, Katrina Carlucci, Aiden Cass, Carline Dolmazon, George Doykov, Ingrid Gettner, Rachel Helten, Lucia Hoess, Sarah Hutton, Eithan Istiroti, John Jafari, Lilas Koo, Aiden Lacour, Juolin Lee, Jessica Makowsky, Kristi Merilees, Luna Noble, Siann, Carol Sutherland, Juan Villegas, Alia Walker, Dale Walker, Ryann Walker, Flora Wang, Debbie Yule and many other community dancers from North Vancouver / ainsi que nombre d’autres danseurs communautaires de North Vancouver.

We acknowledge the many other participants to the community workshops, including / Nous remercions les nombreux autres participants aux ateliers communautaires, dont Mozhdeh Nasseh, Ayleen Tehranchi, Elena Tehranchi.

Music performed by / Musique jouée par: The Carnival Band
Carnival Band Director / Directeur du Carnival Band: Tim Sars
Carnival Band Musicians / Musicien·ne·s du Carnival Band: Ross Barrett (tenor sax), Carol Butcher (percussion), Joy Cundy (trumpet), Don Hardy (trumpet), Mary Hardy (percussion), Brenda Koch (surdo drum), Fred Pincock (mellophone), Tim Sars (sousaphone), Brian Siver (snare drum), Helen Spaxman (euphonium), Yonathan Uriel (clarinet)

Scenographer / Scénographe:
Andreas Kahre

Rehearsal Directors / Directrices des répétitions:
Claire French & Carline Dolmazon

Camera & Video Editing / Caméra & montage vidéo:
Yasuhiro Okada

Poster Design:
Alexandre Zaia – Shred Design





Collaborators: Aethernet – Granville Island

Concept & Artistic Direction / Concept & Direction Artistique:
Paras Terezakis

Performers / Performeur·euse·s:
Jessa Balint, Clemence Beurton, Aiden Cass, Anne Cheng, Charis Chu, Rebecca Craw, Charlotte Desage, Carlien Dolmazon, Lilya Enns, Liam Fenger, Anastasia Garraway, Tracy Hebert, Rachel Helten, Sarah Hutton, Emma Kuusela, Juolin Lee, Myrna Leslie, Gabrielle Letkeman, Keith Lim, Madeline McMillan, Ainsley Nivens, Joyce Ozier, Hannah Richard, Gaspard Roche, Kaia Shukin, Irene Sull, Sasha Sundstrom, Juan Villegas, Debbie Yule

Music performed by / Musique jouée par: The Carnival Band:
Carnival Band Director / Directeur du Carnival Band: Tim Sars
Carnival Band Musicians / Musicien·ne·s du Carnival Band: Nathan Barrett (sousaphone), Ross Barrett (tenor sax), Walter Hardy (frame drum), Colin Hay (trumpet), Patti Hirschberg (auxiliary percussion), Christina Kaiser (trumpet), Brenda Koch (surdo drum), Tim Sars (baritone sax), Brian Siver (snare drum), Helen Spaxman (euphonium)

Scenographer / Scénographe:
Andreas Kahre

Rehearsal Director / Directrice des répétitions:
Claire French

Teppei Tanabe

Video-Editing / Montage Vidéo:
Yasuhiro Okada

Poster Design:
Alexandre Zaia – Shred Design





Collaborators: Aethernet Phase 1: A Digital Flash Mob around the world

Choreography & Concept:
Paras Terezakis

Video-montage & Editing:
Yasuhiro Okada

Michele Andersen, Jenna Berlyn, Denis Blais, Asha Carr, Breanna Carr, Aiden Cass, Martin Chabannes, Christine Chardon, Lella Chatzieleftheriou, Emily Clarke, Alisha Davidson, Tatou Dede, Adrian Deleeuw, Amandine Dolmazon, Carline Dolmazon, Janelle Eisler Carr, Eowynn Enquist, Léo Feraud, Valentin Feraud, Phalguni Gala, Maddy Gilbert, Elissa Hanson, Markos Hlias, Sarah Hutton, Shiva Khodabakhsh, Andreas Kolisoglou, Eleftheria Kontemani, Juolin Lee, Ted Littlemore, Kerstin Luettich, Maureen Lum, Athena Moustaka, Giorgos Paterakis, Giorgos Papadopoulos, Kira Radosevic, Hannah Richard, Renee Sigouin, Samantha Sutherland, Paraskevas Terezakis, Juan Villegas, Matt Wyllie, Melanie Yan, Sintija Zigure, and the students and teacher of Delview Secondary: Thea Angeles, Micah Ariza, Princess Bien, Jueru Ebashi, Nele Haas, Selna Iwasa, Anoop Kahlon, Ashlyn Langton, Aanya Mathews, Muskaan Moti, Emma Pauchly, Esha Saini, India Sanchez Lorenzo, Shaheen Sekhon, Suzu Wakisaka, Deborah Hanson

Zhar by Acid Arab – Versatile Record

The video footages were shot in Mexico, Greece, France, Latvia and different parts of Canada. We would like to respectfully acknowledge the First People of all the lands captured in this video, including but not limited to the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh, Musqueam, Ditidaht, Hul’qumi’nun Treaty Group, Te’mexw Treaty Association, WSÁNEC, Quw’utsun, Ts’uubaa-asatx, Stz’uminus, Snunmeymuxw, Pacheedaht, StÌ“ĂĄt̓imc Tmicw, Lil’wat, Sinixt, Ktunaxa, Syilx, Semiahmoo, Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Kwantlen, Qayqayt, Á,LEáčˆENEÈ» ÈœTE (W̱SÁNEĆ), Tsawwassen, S’ólh TĂ©mĂ©xw (StĂł:lƍ), Nehiyaw (Cree), DenesulinĂ© (Dene), Nakota Sioux (Stoney), Anishinabae (Saulteaux), Niitsitapi (Blackfoot), Mississaugas of the Credit, Anishnabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat peoples.





Collaborators: Research and Development

Choreography, Concept & Direction:
Paras Terezakis

Teaching video dancers:
Water – Alisha Davidson
Fire – Sarah Hutton
Air – Juolin Lee
Earth – Renee Sigouin
Ether – Matt Wyllie

Yasuhiro Okada

Zhar by Acid Arab – Versatile Record

Poster design:
Alexandre ZaĂŻa

Video Yasu Okada. Choreography Paras. Earth. Water. Air. Fire. Ether. Music: Zhar – Acid Arab – Versatile Records

Project Updates:

Happy International Dance Day!

For International Dance Day 2022, we are happy to share with you Aethernet ('lockdown' phase). Pour la Journée Internationale de la Danse 2022, nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous Aethernet (phase 'confinement') Want to watch it on a bigger screen? Envie de le...

Live, Dance, Connect! Free workshops open to all

April 9th and 10th, 10am-12pm, join us at the Scotiabank Dance Centre to connect with one another through 5 short choreographies. Let's explore together the five classical elements dancing the air we breathe, the fire our passions light inside us, the earth we eat...

Aethernet – Free workshops, open to all!

Free workshops, open to all! Artistic Director Paras Terezakis will be conducting a series of free community workshops in North Vancouver this November 29, December 4 and December 11. Either you're curious or just want to show us your best moves, feel free to drop in... – Deadline extended!

Deadline to submit your videos has been pushed to mid of February! You still have plenty of time to participate: live, dance, connect!!

Participants Packages

Air / Air

Earth / Terre

Fire / Feu

Water / Eau

Ether / Ether

We would like to express our deepest and sincere appreciation to our funders, partners, volunteers and supporters who made this project possible.

Nous tenons Ă  souligner avec beacoup de reconnaissance le soutien de nos financeurs, partenaires et bĂ©nĂ©voles sans qui ce projet n’aurait Ă©tĂ© possible. 


We are grateful to gather, dance and create on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples–Sáž”wx̱wĂș7mesh (Squamish), StĂł:lƍ and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xÊ·məξkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations.

Nous sommes reconnaissants de vivre, danser et crĂ©er sur les territoires ancestraux, traditionnels et non cĂ©dĂ©s des peuples Sáž”wx̱wĂș7mesh (Squamish), Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) et xÊ·məξkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam). Â